Parker Place

Quick Look

Parker Place

Status: 2010 (entitlements projected), 2012 (construction completion projected)
Project value: $60,000,000
Total Units : 156
Site area : 60,304 s.f.
Bedrooms/acre : 133
Total : 188 spaces

2598 Shattuck Avenue
2600 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

PDF brochure   |   Project details   |   Project specs


Berkeley Honda/retail revenue, Strong transit access, Proximity to Downtown, Lower density residential adjacency, Shadowing on neighborhood, Traffic and parking impacts, Scale and transition – 3 zones, Shattuck Avenue “Dead Zone”, Split zoning on 2598 site, 10,817 sf in C-SA and 5345 sf in R-2A, Need for affordable housing, Potential historic resource in large floor plate, high ceiling existing building (Plachek, 1923).


155 transit-oriented infill housing units, 30+ universal design BMR units, retention/reuse of existing James Plachek building, LEED certification, endorsed by Greenbelt Alliance and accepted into Tranform’s GreenTRIP pilot program, unbundled retail and residential parking, pedestrian serving retail, native/drought tolerant landscape design, revitalization of Shattuck Avenue.


Generally positive neighborhood feedback thus far.

Project Details

Product: Mixed-use infill development project with 156 dwelling units, @23,200 square feet of retail.
Approvals: City of Berkeley Use Permit and Design Review, Landmarks Preservation Review, State Density Bonus, Mitigated Negative Declaration
Status: 2010 (entitlements projected), 2012 (construction completion projected)
Value: $60,000,000
Parker Place, LLC,
LEED Silver
Carbon Savings
Greenhouse Gas savings: 558,000lbs/year; Energy Savings: 1,085,000,000 BTU/year; Vehicle Miles Traveled savings: 1,550,000 miles/year (58,000 gallons of gas, 1070 barrels of oil)

Project specs

Number of units
Studio 16
Jr 1 Bedroom 40
1 Bedroom 40
3 Bedroom 4
Loft Type 36
Total Bedrooms 184
Total Units 156
2 Bedroom 20
Retail (gross) 19,600 s.f.
Residential (gross) 118,508 s.f.
Project (inc. parking) 239,900 s.f.
Density ratios
Site area 60,304 s.f.
Acres 1.38
Bedrooms/acre 133
Units/acre 113
Total 188 spaces
Spaces/unit res. 1/unit